Codes of Conduct for BOMA/Suburban Chicago Members
Code of Ethics
BOMA/Suburban Chicago is committed to complying with all applicable laws and regulations governing not-for-profit corporations and associations and aspires to the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct.
- Professional behavior is expected at all BOMA functions.
- BOMA/Suburban Chicago members conduct business with respect, integrity and professional courtesy.
- Information provided to BOMA and its members shall be truthful. Dishonest, fraudulent or illegal information or conduct is deemed unacceptable.
- BOMA members maintain as confidential any legitimate business or association information provided in confidence until and unless given permission to disclose it by the source or for the length of time that confidentiality is legally required.
- Recognizing that the more you contribute to the association, the more you benefit from the association, all BOMA members are pledged to participate in and support the activities of the organization.
- BOMA/Suburban Chicago functions are relationship-building and educational opportunities. Solicitation of business should take place outside of BOMA functions.
- BOMA Associates are requested to respect the parameters of their categories.
- As the behavior of each BOMA member reflects upon all BOMA members, BOMA is a self-policing group in regard to decorum at BOMA functions. Questionable behavior will be brought to the attention of the Board of Directors who shall have the option to put a member on notice, on probation, or, ultimately, to expel a member.
The Building Owners and Managers Association of Suburban Chicago believes that each individual has the right to be free from harassment because of age, color, religion, creed, national origin or sex. Sexual harassment is defined as including unwelcome physical contact; sexually explicit language or gestures; uninvited or unwanted sexual advances; offensive overall environment, including the use of vulgar language; the presence of sexually explicit photographs or other materials; and the telling of sexual stories. BOMA/Suburban Chicago will not tolerate any form of sexual harassment.
Business Etiquette
All meetings and functions of BOMA/Suburban Chicago should further our Mission Statement:
BOMA/Suburban Chicago exists to serve the real estate professionals working in the commercial real estate industry through effective leadership, advocacy, education, professional development, and the analysis of information affecting the industry today and in the future.
BOMA/Suburban Chicago membership can be a vehicle for business networking and the manner in which this is done must be on a professional level. The following guidelines should be followed when attending BOMA/Suburban Chicago-sponsored events. These guidelines should enhance the individual member’s experience as well as help in providing an effective environment for BOMA/Suburban Chicago meetings.
- Feel free to introduce yourself to other members whether they are Regular or Associate members. Anyone can be a good professional resource for you regardless of his/her title.
- Building relationships with other members is important for our individual professions as well as for the overall well-being of the association. Asking good questions and listening is key to cultivating these relationships. Regular attendance at functions also makes this connection process easier since establishing does not necessarily happen in one meeting.
- Networking is a two-way street. Regular members should be receptive to Associate members. Regular members can gain helpful information from Associate members and vice-versa.
- Handing out large quantities of business cards is not effective networking or allowed. After you have met someone and it is appropriate, ask him or her if they would like your card. If the situation warrants or he/she wants you to send something, you can also ask for his/her card with the assurance that it is for your use only.
- Take the initiative to make BOMA/Suburban Chicago a welcoming association. Greet new members/guests at functions and make a point of meeting someone new. These gestures increase your networking base and also represent the association in a very favorable way.
- Educational sessions are not just for Regular members. When an event is open to all, Associate members should consider attending periodically to keep up-to-date on current issues affecting the property management industry.
- All cell phones should be silenced (or on vibrate) during luncheon/seminar programs. To avoid distracting the presenter, please return calls after the program.
- Avoid having excessive side conversations and/or comments during the program. This may distract the others from effectively hearing the material being presented.
- Placement at table settings of business cards, flyers or other premium-type items is not allowed at BOMA/Suburban Chicago functions. BOMA/Suburban Chicago encourages all members to network and build relationships with other members.